Sunday, October 11, 2009

Retiring From an Extreme Commute

Each day I drive 48 miles one way to work. This qualifies me as an extreme commuter.  The carbon footprint and the waste of gasoline cause me to feel guilty. I have explored carpooling and using public transportation but neither option was viable.  So by retiring, I will save the atmosphere from 17.6 pounds of carbon dioxide each work day.  Bill McKibben states that 5.5 pounds of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide are emitted through the combustion of one gallon of gasoline. To calculate my daily commute carbon footprint, I assumed my car gets 30 miles per gallon. My figure of 17.6 pounds is probably conservative.

The commute is also physically and mentally stressful. I navigate some of the most congested interstates in the country. It is not unusual for my trip times to exceed an hour and a half.  The mental stress comes from driving defensively and worrying about the 18 wheel trucks cruising at 75 miles per hour. The physical stress comes from sitting and gripping the steering wheel for over an hour each morning and each evening.

My retirement countdown could also be called my countdown to a greener, more peaceful lifestyle!

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