Saturday, December 5, 2009

My First Follower

After blogging for three months I have my first follower. This is thrilling news because I had no idea if anyone was reading my material. It turns out that my follower and I have very similar interests. While I hope to engage retired educators in meaningful encore careers, he is all about assisting educators in making wise financial decisions. His blog is excellent and I am including the link here.

Please take some time to learn about your retirement options.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the nice post, and I am happy to be your "first follower"...

    Send me an e-mail sometime as I would like to ask you a few questions since you are just about to retire. I am trying to understand the thoughts and questions educators ponder as they start planning the next phase of their lives - then maybe write about it.

    Thanks again and take care...
    Robby Schultz
